37th Belgrade Jazz Festival 2020

37th Belgrade Jazz Festival 2020

37th Belgrade Jazz Festival 2020

via @bgjazzfest

Edi Nulz

31. 10. 2021. - Americana Hall DOB 22.30

The management reserves the right to change the program or timetable due to the epidemiological situation and measures at any given point during the Festival. Please, check the program and schedule on the day of the concert at www.bjf.rs and www.domomladine.org

Siegmar Brecher – bass clarinet
Julian Adam Pajzs – guitar
Valentin Schuster – drums

Edi Nulz is a pure anarchy of sound: a bassless jazz trio, a rock band minus a singer. Edi Nulz allows the bass clarinet to be a solo instrument, a vocalist and a bass instrument, all at once. From time to time the guitar, too, indulges in low-frequency joys. The drums rumble in an expertly slipshod way, adding the finishing touches to this musical alloy of grandiose grotesque and gleeful nonsense. Edi Nulz connects and separates, deliberately missing the beat, only to return a few seconds later with some collective jerk, a little trick or a whistle. In the end, the laid-back manipulation of different styles reveals how much fun the three musicians have, and the audience feels it. Each gig is a merry walk on a tightrope between insanity and precision, precision and insanity. Grand audio drama, baby!

The band was formed in 2011, for Valentin Schuster’s graduation concert. To date, they have released five albums, the current Meganan was released this year in March. In April 2019, they found themselves on the showcase program of the Jazzahead! fair, and this year on the digital edition of the same fair with their peers from Switzerland, The Great Harry Hillman, performing as The Great Harry Nulz. In addition to their performing career, Schuster is the founder and artistic director of the Nordic Grooves workshop, Siegmar Brecher helmed the Fat Tuesday concert series and the Jazzwerkstatt Graz festival, and Julian Adam Pajzs writes film and theatre music.
